Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I cannot handle all this flavor!" ~ a 2nd grader, talking about his strawberry ring pop

Monday, February 14, 2011

Knock knock joke

Teacher: knock knock
Student: who's there?
Teacher: orange!
Same teacher: oh no, I screwed it up already!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stubborn child vs. Stubborn teacher

Pre-k teacher: "pick a white, pink, purple or red pipe cleaner"
Student: "blue!"
Teacher: "I said the choices were pink, purple or red."
Student, fists on her hips: "and I said BLUE!"

The teacher won though!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheesy Moment

Not really a teaching "blurp," but a good teaching moment anyway... During snack, a preschooler came up with this, all on his own... I was quite impressed... 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A "Honest Abe mistake..."

This goes to show that adults have their pearl moments too...

Student quizzing instructors during a game of "20 Questions..."

Student: Clue #1: I am a person... Clue #2: I was born in 1947...

After that, there was a big roar of laughter on the Instructors' part! Good thing we have a pretty good sense of humor!
Enough time wasted, time to head to a history class... ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh deer!...

Kindergartener #1: I'm thinking of something...
Kindergartener #2: Is it alive?
Kindergartener #1: No
Kindergartener #3: A deer!
Teacher: Something NOT alive!
Kindergartener #3 (referring to the aforemetioned deer): He IS dead. Someone went and killed it.

I know, it is a kinda sad post, but not all is golden coming from children...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Student #1: You should write about Elvis. He died on the throne.
Student #2: No, he died on the dance floor.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


"It's not a taddle it's a report." ~Kindergartener

"It is what it is." ~Pre-Kindergartener

"Oh now I look like a cow boy..." (after we glued a Pilgrim Hat at the top of his picture...)

"You can always count on books." ~3rd grader

(Out of the blue statement) "I'm handsome." ~Kindergartener

"Business is blooming." ~2nd grader

"I'm done boss!" ~Pre-Kindergartener (a student calling a teacher "boss," now about that?)

"Michael Jackson, the Pop King."

Monday, January 31, 2011


Welcome to Sandy and Jennifer's Blog!  We are putting our heads together to compile the best of what we've heard out of the mouth of children... Call them what you like, I call them teaching moments.
Bear with us as this is only the start of the blog and we are gathering things to put on there. Feel free to share some "blurps" with us by emailing us and we will more than happy to post them on here...

Thanks for daring to take a peek!

Sandy & Jennifer